Our Programs

Day Service Option (DSO)

Our DSO program provides personalized and adaptive programming to meet
the varying needs & skill sets of each individual in an active group setting.

In addition to arts enrichment, social skills, choice & planning, music therapy, sensory integration, health & wellness, virtual field trips, culinary arts, community outings & leisure activities, we also provide vocational modules specifically designed to develop/improve skill sets used for daily living, which may also lead to retention of skills and abilities to prepare an individual for work and/or community participation.

These modules include: janitorial, housekeeping, technology, money, manufacturing, & culinary. Our program, Opportunity for Older Adults (OOA), is a homey, calmer, laid back environment for our older adults to enjoy within their retirement years. This smaller program offers choice based, low stress activities such as-but not limited to: Music therapy, culinary, crafts, bingo, board games, seated exercise, virtual field trips, sensory activities, leisure & social time.

Individualized Day Vocational (IDV)

We work with Individuals on their career planning process by assisting them with skills to obtain work. These skills include resume writing, interview skills, going on interviews, & landing the job.

We also provide supports for Individuals at their community jobs, while encouraging independence. Our goal is to back off on those supports until the Individual is working in their community with natural supports and using the skills OWC taught them.

Group Support Employment (GSE)

OWC has several production businesses that employ our Individuals.

Designing Department:
A fully equipped workshop and creative areas that use donated or recycled items to create home decor, games, decorative art, and jewelry (necklaces, earrings, bracelets, key chains, etc.).

Producing bird houses, feeders, cork creations & items made with recycled or donated materials. Accepting custom orders!

Material Handling & Cleaning:
Bottle redemption, donation/shredding pick-up, NIP Patrol road clean-up, vending, and hands on cleaning/landscaping training around our facility and in our community.

Creating unique, high quality handmade items such as Tic-Tac-Toe sets, painted rocks, jewelry, art peices, etc. to sell at events, online, and at The Gifts of OWC.

Transitional Services

Transitional Services is designed to offer educational and vocational skill development. This program is aligned with the federal governments initiative, Employment First; those that live in the community and socialize in the community should also have the opportunity for community based employment.

In the classroom setting, some areas we focus on are; soft skills, money, self-advocacy, mock interviewing, and time management. In the community setting, some areas of focus are; exposure to different jobs in the community, gaining transferable job skills, expectations that future employers will have, and trips to the library for computer use.