Bay Path University

Occupational Therapy Internship Program with OWC

The Occupational Therapy Masters Program at Bay Path University partnered with OWC in 2018 to provide a hands-on internship experience.

Opportunity Works CT and Bay Path University work together to provide occupational therapy services to the individuals of OWC.

Established in November of 2018, this program is run with the help of Bay Path University Master of Occupational Therapy students, under the supervision of licensed, registered occupational therapists. Our goal is to provide occupational therapy services which embrace a strengths-based approach to enhance success and satisfaction with vocational and life skills. All services offered are completely voluntary and free of charge to any individual looking to take advantage of this program.With consent, these services can be delivered in either individual or group sessions.


Meaningful activities are utilized to address the following areas as appropriate:

  • Interpersonal skills (self esteem, motivation, self regulation)
  • Self advocacy skills
  • Building interpersonal relations and social skills
  • Self care education
  • Home management training
  • Physical exercise groups which address balance, strength, coordination and endurance
  • Fine motor skills and dexterity
  • Cognitive skill training (orientation, following directions, safety, etc)
  • Coping skills
  • Health promotion & management
  • Leisure pursuits
  • Sensory activities/diets
  • Workplace social skills training
  • Community/workplace integration training
  • Work environment analysis and modification
  • Work task analysis
  • Assistive technology training
  • Community resource education
  • Staff & family education